Tuesday, September 25, 2012

BodyMedia Fit Core Armband - I found my motivation!

This summer I finally started my New Years goal (I know, it's no longer January) of losing weight and making my body healthier. I've been doing it on my own with some success. Yet, now I am at a slow point in the weight loss. And I feel like I am loosing motivation.

Recently, BodyMedia sent me a BodyMedia FIT Core Armband that is giving me back my motivation. It is something you can wear day and night, will track your wake/sleep cycle, the online system will track your calories burned and calories consumed, and it tracks how many steps you've taken throughout the day and which ones were just regular walking and which are at brisk speeds.

I am pumped up to give this a thorough 30-day initial trial, though I think it's something I will stick with using. I need the motivation, especially when I don't necessarily see success on the scale number wise, I will be able to see success each day w/ calories burned and steps taken.

Keep your eyes peeled on the blog for a thorough review with my true opinions of the BodyMedia Fit Core Armband in about 30 days. 
Friday, August 31, 2012

Winner of the Julep Maven Nail Color Box

Congratulations to Betsy! She won the Julep Maven Nail Color Box giveaway! Thank you everyone for entering! Betsy, check your inbox for an email and reply back as soon as possible!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

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Here's the ways to stay connect:

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Julep Maven Box Review & Giveaway

Do you have a nail color/polish addiction? Are you on the lookout for new colors?
Do you want to buy yourself an intro Julep Maven box for $0.01? Read on, and I will tell you how.

I was given a complimentary Julep Bombshell Maven box to review. 

The Julep Bombshell Maven box was packaged beautifully! The time and effort put into the gorgeous presentation makes this perfect to give as a gift, either to others or yourself! Here is how mine was packaged:

My Julep Bombshell Maven box came with:

  • Julep Natasha Nail Color - a bright, vibrant, and creamy orange 
  • Julep Oscar Nail Color - an ultra sparkly, multi-dimensional gold glitter, with hints of silver glitter too 
  • Julep Pedi Creme - to exfoliate, hydrate, and nourish your feet 
  • Toe Separators - two, bright pink & white, spongy separators

Julep Nail Color is toxin-free! They have a large variety of fashionable and trendy nail colors to choose from. I'm keeping my eye on Chelsea Bombshell for a future purchase.

My friend and I set out to try Julep Maven Nail Color. We came up with some neat designs too. Take a look; what do you think?

This first photo is my initial design with only one coat of the shimmery Oscar color on top of two coats of Natasha color:

This second photo is my friends (left hand in the picture) and my design (right hand in the picture). This time I had two coats of Oscar on top of two coats of Natasha, sealed with a top coat of clear.

I loved the designs we created!

Tips for coloring your nails with Julep Maven:

  • Use a base coat! The Natasha color is so vibrant that if you choose not to do a base coat it may leave your nails with a very slight orange tint after you remove the polish. A base coat will eliminate this. I don't know if all of the colors will do this. But after researching this, it is recommended that you put a base coat on when painting your nails.
  • Seal the tip edges of your nails with Julep Maven and your top coat! This will help ensure the color and designs will stay on longer.
  • Let those designs and colors dry in between coats. Julep Maven suggests you wait 3 to 5 minutes between coats. A neat trick idea from me: after a minute, run them under some cold water. To me, it seems to help speed up the drying process.
  • Have fun, be creative, and enjoy yourself with Julep Maven nail colors!
The Julep Pedi Cream has a nice scent to it. Lather it on and treat  your feet to a special, at-home foot treatment. Just after one use my feet had already felt smoother! 

Do you want to try a Julep Maven box for only pay a penny? You can! They have been kind to offer all of Frugal Midwest's readers one box for a penny!

Buy Julep Maven box for $0.01
Go to their website: Julep Maven
Enter promo code: MAVENINTRO

Do you want to WIN Julep Maven Intro Box (similar to the one I reviewed)? They have been kind enough to offer this opportunity to one of my readers. How cool is that?
Follow the Rafflecopter instructions to enter today!

Giveaway for US or Canada readers only.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was sent a Julep Maven Intro Box to review and share my findings with my readers; there was no monetary compensation for this review. Opinions and pictures are mine; yours may vary.
Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Chatter - Number Two

Following The Life of a Home Mom's Friday Chatter, here is mine:

Friday Chatter is how I wrap up the week. Time to kick back with a cup of coffee and reflect on this past week and to anticipate the upcoming week.

This week has been all about spending too much money!

Today, I finally finished all my back-to-school shopping for my three kids; it was nerve-wracking to say the least. I remember when my kids were in Elementary School looking at the inundating school supply list and thinking that they required a lot of supplies and that it would cost a lot. Boy was I wrong! Yes, those lists are long and do require a lot sometimes. BUT, wait until your kids enter Middle or High School! Those supplies for the upper grades cost MORE, as do clothing and shoes, compared to Elementary School. Thankfully, this is my last year buying supplies for three kids; my oldest is a Senior this year, and my other two are going into 6th and 10th Grade.

My advice for back-to-school shopping: check out those sales, use coupons whenever you can, and shop around. While it may take you more time (it took us about a week), it will be worth it to your pocketbook in the end.

My vehicle also required a lot of money this week! Oy, my poor pocketbook! In the past two weeks, I've replaced all three major belts (Serpentine, Alternator, and Air Conditioning), a brake light, a brake cylinder, an oil change, and a rear wiper blade. I am crossing my fingers that my vehicle will be okay for a while now.

Let the school year begin!

This upcoming week begins a process my kids never like. Starting Monday, they must now start going to bed at the school-year time. Last year school-year bedtime was 9 PM, this year I am moving it back one hour to 10 PM. I also plan on making them gradually start getting up earlier than they have for the summer; the teenagers have been sleeping in until 10 or 11 AM this summer, that must come to an end. I know this first week of change is going to be grueling and I will hear belly-aching, but I know it will help better prepare my kids for the school year to begin. Kids need adjustment time to changes, in my opinion; and this is how my family does it.

Most teenagers get their driver's permit at fourteen. My oldest is seventeen; she's had no desire to drive or to  get her driver's permit, until now. I've taken both of my teenagers to test for their driver's permit twice now; neither has passed the test yet. I am really hoping they put some time into studying this weekend, so this upcoming week we can got and they can try their knowledge at the test again. The third time's a charm, right? I have my fingers crossed for them.

The Life of a Home Mom recently posed a question about blog rolls. Yes, I do have a blog roll, you can view it and visit my blogging buddies over on the right side of my blog.
I don't know if it hurts or helps my blog, I guess I don't care either way. I like blog rolls! When I visit a blog I love I tend to check out their blog rolls so I can see who their blogging buddies are. I assume the blogs on their roll are one's they like or visit, so I may as well to.

A question for my fans: I am considering changing the name of Frugal Midwest, do you have any name suggestions?

My First Blog Award!

Wow, amazing! Frugal Midwest was nominated for my first blog award! I am very honored that Honey Do's & Product Reviews  nominated Frugal Midwest for this award, THANK YOU!

Rules for the award:  
Each person must post eleven things about themselves.  Answer the eleven questions the tagger has set for you.  Come up with eleven other questions for the people that you are going to tag.  Choose eleven people (with less than 200 followers) and tag them in your post, no tagbacks.  Follow the tagger and visit at least three of the nominees.

11 Things About Me:

  1.  I am a single mother to three wonderful children, one of whom has special needs.
  2. Favorite color is hunter green.
  3. South Carolina - a state I've visited and love! I hope to some day go back and explore more of this wonderful state.
  4. I strive to teach other's about mental health and how it truly affects more people than you know. I try to learn as much as I can about mental health and share my knowledge.  I also have a child with severe mental health concerns.
  5. Photography is one of my passions. I don't spend nearly enough time taking photos as I would like; but someday, down the road I will. I would enjoy being a professional photographer, after some more classes, as a hobby at some point.
  6. Iowa Hawkeyes & Green Bay Packers fan.
  7. Coffee is a MUST every day! With a little sugar, and no cream.
  8. A white chocolate mocha would be my favorite hot drink, but due to the calories make it be an occasional treat.
  9. I LOVE Black Friday season and I LOVE finding deals on things I need to buy!
  10. I was born & raised in Iowa; I've lived here my entire life.
  11. Cooking is fun for me, especially if I can manipulate a recipe into creating an awesome dish.
My 11 Questions from Honey Do's:

  1. What is your favorite season/time of year and why? I love spring and fall because the temperatures usually don't require sweating (Iowa summers) or big, bulky coats (Iowa winters).
  2. What is your number one guilty pleasure (could be food or anything else)? White chocolate mocha's - a special treat for myself on occasion.
  3. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A photographer.
  4. If you had the power to change one thing about yourself (appearance or otherwise) what would it be? I'd want perfect eye sight. I've worn eye glasses since I was ten years old. I have tried contacts, but they didn't feel comfortable at all. I'd love to be able to see un-aided. 
  5. What type of hobbies do you have other than blogging? Photography, scrapbooking (though I haven't given this hobby time for a while), reading, and crafts.
  6. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza!
  7. Do you believe there is life on other planets? I believe it's possible, at least some type of life form.
  8. What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? Flying in an airplane. But, I am very afraid of heights, so I would need to muster up the courage to get over this fear.
  9. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? Taking my child to get admitted for a psychiatric hospital stay.
  10. If you were filling a time capsule to be opened by your great-grandchildren, what would you put in it? Candy, a People's magazine, an iPod with current music on it, a letter from me, a dollar bill, pictures, and a piece of jewelry.
  11. If you were invisible for just one day where would you go and what would you do? Why? My children's classrooms; to see how they interact with their peers and friends. Then I could offer advice or encouragement if needed. Or I could scare them when I repeat things they did or said, they'd get a chuckle out of that.
My 11 Questions for My Nominees:

  1. What made you want to or why did you start blogging?
  2. What is your favorite color/s?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. Do you have any pets? What are they and their names?
  5. Do you have any special talents?
  6. Describe your place of relaxation. Where is it? What does it look like?
  7. Have you been outside of the United States?
  8. Can you speak other languages other than English? Which ones?
  9. If you could have a super power for one day, what would it be and what would you do with it?
  10. What was your best day of your life? Describe it if you can.
  11. Have you met any superstars? (like movie stars, musicians, etc) Who?
Our Nominees:
  1. Top Knotch Deals
  2. Kay's Consumer Corner
  3. Jason's Everlasting Recipes
I had trouble finding blogs with less than 200 followers, so I've only nominated three at this time. If I run across others I will add them.

Put the link to your post in the comments on this post so I can check out what you wrote!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Look What Fed Ex Just Delivered: Ecover!

Check out what the Fed Ex man just delivered!

Ecover Pomegranate Dish Washing Liquid, Ecover Bathroom Cleaner, and a nicely designed Ecover re-usable bag! These are natural, plant-based cleaning products that I am excited to test out and report my findings to you all! I'm totally pumped up to use these.

Keep your eyes on the blog for my review!

If you want to find out about Ecover, or purchase it, before you read my review, you can:
Read Ecover's Website
Shop Ecover Online
Find Ecover Locally
Follow Ecover on Twitter
"Like" Ecover on Facebook

Disclosure: I was sent these Ecover products to review and share my findings with my readers; there was no monetary compensation for the review. Pictures in this post are mine.