Sunday, May 27, 2012

Palmolive Fresh Sponge Review - Thumbs up!

Palmolive Fresh Sponge

I had the opportunity to try Palmolive Fresh Sponge via Influenster.

Palmolive Fresh Sponge's claim:
wash away odor causing residue from sponges and clean dishes to a sparkling shine

My opinion: the scent was out of this world, in a good way! AMAZINGLY FRESH FRUITY SMELLING. I was encouraged to wash dishes more often just so I could smell it, oh, and of course to have clean sparkling dishes! My dish sponge also lasted about a month longer than normal use w/ other dish soaps. It also makes your kitchen smell fantastic!

I DO recommend Palmolive Fresh Sponge to everyone, I give it TWO THUMBS UP!

Suggested retail price is $3.29 for a 25 ounce bottle.


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Midwest, Iowa, United States
Hi! My name is Patty, and I live in the Midwest; Iowa to be exact. I love WOM (Word-of-Mouth) and love sharing my opinions on things, including products, deals I find, and life with my readers. Welcome to my blog!
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