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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hamburger Helper to the Rescue! (Review)

Do you ever find yourself short on time and needing to get a kid-friendly dinner on the table quickly? I know I do! That’s why I turn to Hamburger Helper for assistance.

I was asked to join an exclusive new community from Hamburger Helper and MyInsite.  They sent me an awesome welcoming package. It included two boxes of Hamburger Helper to try J Cheeseburger Macaroni & Italian Supreme Cheese Pizza, along with a stuffed Helping Hand! My kids have claimed the Helping Hand!

On a busy night with only an hour to get the family fed and out the door I decided to give the Italian Supreme Cheese Pizza Hamburger Helper a whirl. If you don’t already know, Hamburger Helper is easy to make and requires very few ingredients; most meals only require milk and water. They also require very few dishes, I think of Hamburger Helper as one-pot meals.

As I was cooking this, I had two of my three kid’s pipe up and ask if I was making pizza for dinner. I told them I was making something better! I’m sure they asked because our house did smell like pizza; yummy, cheesy pizza. In less than 30 minutes dinner was done cooking. Onto the plates it went as I crossed my fingers that they would all enjoy this meal. Dinner was served!

ALL of my kids enjoyed the Italian Supreme Cheese Pizza Hamburger Helper! I heard exclamations of "this takes like pizza but with a fork!" and "can we have this again?". This made my busy night much better, that I was able to feed my family something they really enjoyed & that was healthy, I was able to do it quickly, and with very few dishes to clean up.

Thank you Hamburger Helper & MyInsite! Hamburger Helper to the RESCUE!

Make sure you print out a $0.75 off coupon: HERE


angeleys1976 said...

i love this. i will have to try them

Angie Harris said...

I love Hamburger Helper!

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Midwest, Iowa, United States
Hi! My name is Patty, and I live in the Midwest; Iowa to be exact. I love WOM (Word-of-Mouth) and love sharing my opinions on things, including products, deals I find, and life with my readers. Welcome to my blog!
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